Insurance (in-network) clients: Nurturing Support Lactation Care (NSLC) is contracted through The Lactation Network (TLN). I am responsible for verifying my lactation benefits.
NSLC can only see that I have benefits through TLN. NSLC cannot determine if I have any exceptional circumstances that might prevent my insurance provider from covering services. If my plan denies coverage of lactation services after the claims have been submitted through TLN, I am responsible for paying NSLC directly at the self-pay rate. I understand I should refer to my plan benefits and call my insurance directly to verify lactation coverage.
NSLC may communicate with TLN and my insurance company regarding the services provided to me and my baby or babies. NSLC may speak with my credit card company or bank for payment-related matters. It is my responsibility to provide accurate and current payment and insurance information. I will update my credit card information as needed and am responsible for any costs and fees associated with my failure to provide updated information.
Check if your insurance plan covers you through The Lactation Network here or using the QR code below.
Self Payments
Self-pay (out-of-network) clients:
Nurturing Support Lactation Care (hereinafter "NSLC") will provide you with a superbill suitable for you to submit to your insurance. The superbill (which will also serve as a payment receipt) will be coded appropriately to the level of service provided during the visit. You agree to pay me at the time of the visit (cash, check, credit card, or FSA)
Secure Messaging
Communication and Secure Messaging:
If you choose to text with NSLC, I encourage you to use this link to download a small & easy-to-use app called Spruce. You will be sent an invitation to join.
By texting with me through Spruce, I can ensure HIPAA security, and both of us can have the convenience of using text messages.
You are not obligated to use secure texting; I’m just required to offer it. If you opt out of secure texting and send me a regular text or email, I’ll respond. My emails are stored and encrypted on a secure server.